In 2019, Accent Français goes a little more green

We often talk to you about the French language and culture, our programs and customer satisfaction, but much less about our commitments and that's a shame! For several years now, Accent Français has been taking steps to reduce its impact on the environment and today we are proud to tell you about what we have put in place and our projects.

The students and team members are at the origin of this transition, a big THANK YOU all for your suggestions, your support and your participation in the implementation of these new habits!

It all started several years ago with the transition to digital, which not only consumes energy, but also allows us to significantly reduce the use of paper, the printing of documents and the use of consumables.

For many years, our communication media have been mainly shared online or distributed on USB sticks by our sales team. In most cases, registrations are made online and booking documents are sent by email to our partners and students. We only print the bare minimum and what is printed is recovered by a recycling company.

At the classroom level, our classrooms are equipped with a computer and a screen so that teachers can use authentic resources (video, photos, images...) in digital format, presenting digital and non-paper documents. In 2017, we also acquired 6 tablets and 6 interactive whiteboards (reduction in the use of consumables) and this is only the beginning! The implementation of virtual classes in 2018 with the use of the EDMODO application allows to present the programs, exchange information, send / view work supports and resources (reduction of impressions), share students' productions (audio, video, photos, documents...) during and even after class (homework, correction, additional resources, links to go further, individual teaching advice...). In 2019, 2 computer rooms are now installed with 6 PCs in each and 2 additional WIBs in classrooms!​

Accent Français, a modern school, humanely and computer connected, while being green, it is possible!

This year, we have decided to take up a challenge and not the least: a zero waste objective by 2020!

- organisation of a selective sorting system and specific collections for glass, paper and recyclable materials

- setting up a collection of cigarette butts by a specialized company that recycles them

- creation of new partnerships for solidarity and sustainable purchasing of our office supplies

- installation of water fountains and replacement of our coffee machines by devices allowing you to use your own coffee cup / thermos

- use of reusable equipment and bulk purchase of food products used for weekly aperitifs

We are motivated and the commitment of our teams and students makes us believe that these projects will be a success. We are counting on each of you to make them last over time and invite you to share your suggestions for taking this eco-logical and eco-nomical approach a step further!